Archive: Worcester

A.D. 825 (Clofesho). Record of the settlement of a dispute concerning swine-pasture at Sinton in Leigh, Worcs. English.


+ In nomine trino diuino qui est deus benedictus in sæcula amen.INVOCATION Ðy gere þe wæs from Cristes geburde agæn . eahta hund winter .7 xxv . 7 æfterre indictio wæs in rime . 7 wæs Beornwulfes rice Mercna cyninges . þa wæs sinodlic gemot on þære meran stowe ðe mon hateþ Clofeshous on þam se siolfa Cyning Biornwulf . 7 his biscopas . 7 his aldormen . 7 alle þa wioton þisse þiode þær gesomnade weron . þa wæs tiolo micel sprec ymb wuduleswe to Suþtune ongægum West on Scirhylte . waldon þa swangerefan þa leswe forður gedrifan 7 þone wudu geþiogan . þonne hit ald geryhta weron . þonne cuæð se biscop . and þara hira wiotan þæt hio him neren maran ondeta þonne hit aræded wæs on Æþelbaldes dæge þrim hunde swina mæst . 7 se biscop 7 ða higen ahten twæde þæs wudu 7 þæs mæstes : . Ða geræhte Wulfred arcebiscop . 7 alle þa wiotan þet se biscop 7 þa higen moston mid aþe gecythan þet hit sua aræden were on Æþelbaldes dage . 7 him mare to ne sohte : . And he þa sona se biscop bewæddade Eadwulfe ðæm aldormen þæs aþes biforan allum þæm wiotum . 7 him mon þone gelædde ymb xxx næhta to þæm biscopstole æt Wigoernaceastre : . In þa tiid wæs Hama Suangerefa to Suðtune . 7 he ræd ðæt he wæs æt Ceastre . and þone aað gesæh . 7 gesceawade sua hine his aldormon heht Eadwulf . 7 he hine hweþre ne grette . hii sunt nomina et uocabula qui in synodali concilio fuerunt congregati

+ Signum manus . Biornwulfi regis Merc.
+ Wulfred arcepisc . consen . hanc condicionem.
+ Oeðelwald episc consen.
+ Hræðhun episc consen.
+ Heaberht episc consen.
+ Bionna episc consen.
+ Eadwulf episc. consen.
+ Wilfred episc. consen.
+ Wigðegn episc. consen.
+ Alhstan episc. consen.
+ Humberht episc. consen.
+ Ceolberht episc.
+ Cynred episc.
+ Torhthelm prior
+ Eanmund abb.
+ Wihtred abb.
+ Cudwulf abb.
+ Eanmund abb.
+ Eaðberht dux
+ Biornoð dux
+ Sigred dux
+ Cuðred dux
+ Eadwulf dux
+ Mucel dux
+ Uhtred dux
+ Alhheard dux
+ Bolam + Bynna
+ Aldred + Wighelm
+ Heahberht . episc.
+ Eadgar pr.
+ Wigberht pr.
+ Heahstæf pr.
+ Brada pr.
+ Cuðbald pr.
+ Regngar pr.
+ Cuðberht pr.
+ Ecgmund pr.
+ Ecmund pr.
+ Heahferhð diac.
+ Wighelm diac.
+ Erneberht diac.
Ond alre oðerra priosta butan þissum mæssepriostum efen lx.